Sunday, November 10, 2013

A QUIZZ: How emotional are you ?

1 . Your friends are organizing a birthday party for you :
a – you think it's cool !
b – you tremble and you can't speak.
c – after a while, you think of something else.

2 . Horror movies :
a - you look at them only with someone else.
b - you love them !
c - this is a guaranteed nightmare

3. A teacher punished you although you have done nothing:
a - you slap the doors and you scream.
b - you're angry, but you blow and it passes away.
c - you try to negotiate with the teacher.

4. You cry (of joy or sadness) on average :
a - twice a year.
b - weekly.
c – monthly.

5 . Your best friend cries every day because his parents divorced :
a – you understand but you know you can't do anything for him.
b – you think that he overreacts.
c – you feel very sad when he talks about this.


You have more "a" answers:    you're hyper emotional !
You cry, you laugh, you jump to the  ceiling all the time. You live fully. Be careful ! Don't get carried away by your emotions. Learn to control them !

  You have more "b" answers :    You master your emotions.
You keep your feelings to yourself. The great scenes of joy or tears are rare. But when you need it, you do not hesitate to say what you feel !  Continue in this way!

    You have more „c“ answers :  you despise your emotions.
Your emotions slip over you like a drop of water on the feathers of a duck ! Listen to your feelings and talk to your friends. Do not shut yourself in your bubble !!

Question: What movies are these pictures from ?

by Romane M.

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