Sunday, November 17, 2013


The kin-ball is a new sport created in Quebec by Mario Demers in 1986 . This sport is played with a ball of 1.5 meters of diameter. The matches are played between three teams composed of 4 players.

How the game works:

The matches have three periods lasting between 7 to 15 minutes according to the age of participants. The team with most points a the end of the three periods wins the game. Each players of a team has a jersey of different colour : grey, pink or black (exept in Quebec, where blue remplaced pink in 2004).
When the game starts, the players of a team (grey, for example) throw the ball and they say "Omnikin" followed by a colour (blue or pink) .
The named team (blue) must catch the ball before it touches the floor. The blue team must have three players holding the ball at the bottom, each player with one leg bent and with two hands on the ball. Then , the blue team throws the ball and they say "Omnikin" with a colour (grey or pink), etc, until a fault.
When there is a fault, the two others teams have a point.
Errors can be :
-Say the colour of his team when hitting the ball.
-Say the colour after touch the ball.
-The named team don't catch the ball before it touch the floor.

by Alix 

Who created this sport ?
How many players are there in a match ?

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