Monday, December 3, 2012

Movie review:Project X

Project X is an American comedy released in 2012, it was directed by Nima Nourizadeh. The film was shot entirely in Los-Angeles, California, for over 5 weeks with a budget of $ 12 million. The film is presented as a personal video from the point of view of a participant with a camera to document the events of that night.
To have a crazier and more realistic presult, production the result of Project X is crazier and more realistic production distributed several extras pocket cameras so the production could film the festive moments of which they were witnesses.
School students, Costa and JB was planning a birthday party for their friend Thomas. They hope that this party will increase their popularity among their classmates. Thomas's parents leave for the weekend, leaving him alone in the house, warning him on some points, as not to invite more than 5 people and not use his father's Mercedes. Thomas is reluctant to have the party at home for fear that his parents discover it ! Thomas invites Kirby, one girl he loves .Costa, JB and Thomas steal the garden gnome, the mascot. Night falls, but nobody comes to the party and Thomas is worried. Suddenly, party-goers arrive in a large number and the party becomes a success and Thomas realizes that there are more people than he had expected. Costa admits he has put ads on several websites, local radio for fear that nobody comes.
In the United States, in the city of Houston (Texas), a group of friends wanted to imitate the film holding the same kind of evening. And as in the feature film by Nima Nourizadeh, it was very poorly done. Not far from one thousand people gathered in a huge mansion for this event that lasted a week. As in Project X, students were released too quickly and the atmosphere slipped.
It's a very good film, it's very funny.

Did you see it?
Who wrote this film?

Written by Chloé (Guilmain )

1 comment:

  1. No , and this is Nima Nourizadeh who are written this film. Alicia.
