Thursday, November 18, 2010


Can you keep a secret ?

1) Your friend, Peter, tells you that he's in love with the French teacher :

*) You repeat it to the teacher.
§) You help him write (in French) a love letter.
+) You write it on the toilets wall. 

2) Jenny (3 years old) asks you if Father Christmas really exists...

§) You tell her that he exists and is one of your friends.
*) You prove her that Father Christmas doesn't exist.
+) You answer her that she has to ask her mother.

3) Where do you write your secrets ?

+) In a diary.
*) In a post-it note.
§) You haven't got any secrets.

4) Susan is in love with your best friend. She tries to have information :

§) You say nothing.
+) You give her some information.
*) You give her a lot of advices, and you wish her "Good luck". 

5) Your little sister wants you to tell her what her birthday present is :

*) She annoys you and you give it to her .
§) You take pleasure in inventing  anything.
+) You give her too many indications and she guesses easily. 

6) Something was stolen in class and the teacher wants to punish everybody, but you know the thief :

§) You refuse to denounce him.
*) You denounce the thief.
+) You tell to the thief to assume.

7) You have just kissed your lover for the first time :

*) You tell your best friend.
§) You do not tell but everybody will soon know.
+) Your happiness can be read on your face.

8) You have just seen the new Harry Potter at the cinema :

*) You tell the best scene to your friend.
+) You tell some scenes without revealing the end.
§) You don't tell anything. 

You have a maximum of *:
You are an open padlock, you repeat the secrets of everybody.

You have a maximum of +:
You are a badly locked  padlock, you repeat little secrets, but the big ones are well protected.

You have a maximum of § :
You are an armored padlock, no information passes.

Written by Emilien

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