Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Series: Scène de ménage

«Scène de ménage» is a French humoristic series. The first episode was broadcasted on November, the nineth in 2009. It's directed by Alain Kappauf. This series is from Monday to Friday. On Saturday, there is a «Best Of» of all the other days of the week. There are four couples of different ages. The first is very young, the second is a little older, they have a baby and they live in the countryside; they don't like it. The third are in their forties, and they have a son who lives in China, and the fourth is getting on in age and they don't like anybody. Scenes tell about arguments and it's very funny! Sometimes, famous persons like Gad Elmaleh, Jamel Debouse, Amel Bent, Benabar, Sébastien Chabal... come as guest in the series. They act the role of members of their family, friends, colleague or neigbours.

Raymond: Raymond's only occupation is reading newpapers or watching TV.

Huguette: she likes worrying people like Raymond and she cooks badly!

Cédric: he is serious and hard working

Marion: she is very messy and a computer addict ! She doesn't have a job.

Liliane: she is very fussy and she always talks to her plants. She is a beautician.

José: his passion is football and he is a little stupid!

Emma: she is an handywoman.

Fabien: he is a teacher but he is very shy.
Chloé: she is two months old

By Lena Moriette

Answer these questions after reading the text

-What's Fabien's job?

-What is Jose's favourite activity?

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